Introduction To Our Reconstruction
Archaeological finds will always form the basis for any reconstruction. It is possible to use iconography to support physical finds, but period art styles contain a wealth of hidden messages and artistic conventions. Period representations of soldiers must be viewed with "period" sensibilities that are beyond the scope of this website.
Some may take the equipment described as proof of the “barbarisation” of the late Roman army. Nearly every piece of equipment used by Comitatus can be traced back to a non-Roman source. But such a view would be too simplistic. The Roman army had always adopted equipment used successfully against them. In the same way the army had a tradition of relying on allied peoples to supply them with troops skilled in differing fighting methods. This was in no way a late Roman phenomenon, but a constant throughout the history of the army, and it was not a one-way process. The so-called barbarians were happy to adopt Roman weapons, equipment, factories, tactics and troops.